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My First Financial Planner


If you’ve ever wondered whether you are making a good financial decision or not, that is why you should plan.

Financial planning, above all else, is about helping you make good financial decisions. This decision-making could be in determining how much to save versus spend, how to prioritize short-term and long-term needs and goals, and a variety of other questions.

At MyFirstFinancialPlanner.com™ we are skilled financial planners, but only you are the expert in you. Only you know what you hope to achieve and what is important to you. Our service is designed to provide you the tools to make good financial decisions for you.

Through our service we will provide recommendations and guidance. And we will answer your financial questions. But we also hope to empower you to make the final determination on what is best for you and use our expertise only as a guide. At MyFirstFinancialPlanner.com™, we believe that our educational system has largely failed to deliver meaningful financial education leaving many individuals lacking basic personal finance knowledge. We aim to change that by helping you get a grip on your financial picture and learn how to pull it all together by developing a plan that assists in the short, mid and long term financial goals.

With our staff of financial professionals, including some that are CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professionals, backed with superior technology you’ll get a true analysis of your financial picture unclouded by commissions or product sales. We are fiduciaries and thus duty bound to put our clients interests first, always.

Get on track! Learn about how OUR PROCESS can bring your financial picture into focus.

To get on track and start your plan now, click here and complete the short form.